The wapkiz filelist with auto download system.. That Goddyfreq gave you Is not well coded with css classes.. If i were you...
I would had prefer using a better well html arranged filelist-code for your wapkiz wapsite..
i think he will like the below well html table file-list codes fr his wapkiz-site.
fm]d=:to-fid:,o=u,l=5,s=:to-page:,no=no file|| <div
class=""> <table><tr><td width="35"><img src="
radius: 55px 50px 55px 55px;-moz-border-
radius: 55px 50px 55px 55px;border-radius: 55px 50px 55px 55px;border:1px solid
webkit-box-shadow: #B3B3B3 3px 4px 3px;-
moz-box-shadow: #B3B3B3 3px 3px 3px; box-
shadow: #B3B3B3 3px 3px 3px;" /></td> <td
width="5"></td> <td align="left"><a href="%link%"> <b>%name%</b></a> <td width="5"></td>
<td align="left"> <small><font color="orange">
%hits% Download</font> <font color="red">
(%size%)</font></small> </td></td></tr></
table></div> [/fm]

Copy code

Next time he should login and request in this forum.. Instead of asking admin questions from elsewhere.
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