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Benson Idahosa Quotes

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Benson Idahosa Quotes

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Benson Idahosa Quotes:
“A man who does not believes in Miracles will die in Obstacles.
“The Gospel is able to make one wise and give new life.
“Only the Gospel can cause a transformation.
“When you glimpse God's abundance, created for you, you will never be the same again.
“God is speaking to you now. Please, step out of the crowd. Make a choice, one that leads to the path of success, victory and glory to our God on high!.
“Salvation affects the whole person, spiritually, physically and materially.
“Christianity is the core, heart and nature of Jesus Christ being manifested in man.
“What you must do is give your life more fully to the Lord, and ask Him what your part in the ministry should be.
“Here's the point: if you really believe they need to change, let God's Word do that. Accept them first, that's what Christ did. After we bring people into the fold, then we can talk about lifestyle changes.
“Your break-through does not start the day you see the physical manifestation of your miracle. It starts the day that God pronounces it.
“A lifestyle change isn't required for God to accept people. All He asks for is a 'heart change.
“You can't clean a fish until you catch it..
We must keep our faith in Him, and He will work in His own time“.